The Awakened Mind Program
The Awakened Mind Program is about lifting your spirit, opening your heart, and finding ways to bring more joy and meaning to your life, and the life of those around you.
Designed to fit in with your day-to-day life, making it easy for everyone to take part and get involved, and benefit from striving to make the world a better place. And best of all, it's free!
After all, isn't happiness and fulfilment your right?
What can you achieve in just 28 days?

If you choose to spend 28 days on this exciting journey with us, you'll find out exactly what's possible with The Awakened Mind Program.

We're going to provide you with access to the lessons learnt over three decades of involvement in the field of personal development. Lessons designed to help open your mind and heart to new ways of thinking and begin to build resilience to the challenges that life places in your path.

We'll provide you with clear guidance of the 7 steps we're inviting you to take over 28 days. The steps have been created to fit in with your regular activities. Some may only take a few minutes, some a little longer, but all can be completed on your schedule.

How does it work?
The Awakened Mind Program is due to start in the next 10 days, but before then we'll send you some ideas and concept to consider before you begin the journey. After that we'll send you emails with specific actions for you to take over 28 days, designed to help you think and feel differently.

We encourage you to join the Facebook community to share your experiences and discoveries, and to learn how others have experienced the Awakened Mind Program.

All the activities can be worked around your life, so there is literally no excuse to not change your life and your thinking!
What do I do now?
Complete your details below and we'll send you everything you need to get started straight to your inbox, so make sure you add our email address,, to your address book so we don't end up in your spam folder.